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2024-07-10 05:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

learn [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈlɜːrn/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/lɝn/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(lûrn) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'learn' (v): (⇒ conjugate)The past form "learnt" is mainly used in UK English. It is correct in US English, but rare. The past form "learned" is correct in both US and UK English.learnsv 3rd person singular learningv pres p learnedv past (US & UK)learntv past (Mainly UK)learnedv past p (US & UK)learntv past p (Mainly UK)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 learn [sth]⇒ vtr (know by studying)SCSimplified Chinese 学会 xué huì TCTraditional Chinese 學會   SCSimplified Chinese 学懂 xué huì ,xué dǒng  I would love to learn Spanish one day.  我很想有一天学会说西班牙语。 learn [sth] vtr (memorize)SCSimplified Chinese 记住 jì zhù TCTraditional Chinese 記住   SCSimplified Chinese 记着 jì zhù,jì zhe  The actor had to learn his lines.  这名演员不得不把台词背会。 learn to do [sth] v expr (skill: acquire)SCSimplified Chinese 学会,学到,习得,掌握 xué huì ,xué dào,xí dé ,zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 學會,掌握  Children usually start to learn to walk when they are about a year old.  小孩一般在周岁前后开始学走路。 learn [sth] vtr (technique: master)SCSimplified Chinese 掌握 zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 掌握   SCSimplified Chinese 学会 zhǎng wò,xué huì TCTraditional Chinese 學會  He learned the art of stone masonry in just three years.  他只用三年就掌握了石匠手艺。 learn who, learn what, learn why vtr + pron (details, reasons: ascertain)SCSimplified Chinese 查明 chá míng TCTraditional Chinese 查明   SCSimplified Chinese 弄清楚 chá míng,nòng qīng chǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 确定 chá míng,què dìng TCTraditional Chinese 確定  After weeks of work, the detective finally learned who the killer was.  那侦探工作了几周之后,终于查到了凶手是谁。 learn [sth] vtr (with object: discover)SCSimplified Chinese 发现 fā xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 發現   SCSimplified Chinese 获悉 fā xiàn,huò xī   SCSimplified Chinese 了解 fā xiàn,liǎo jiě TCTraditional Chinese 了解  Guess what I just learned by listening in to a phone conversation?  猜猜我刚才听别人打电话知道了什么? learn, learn that vtr (with clause: become aware)SCSimplified Chinese 知道 zhī dào TCTraditional Chinese 知道   SCSimplified Chinese 获知 zhī dào,huò zhī   SCSimplified Chinese 得知 zhī dào,dé zhī TCTraditional Chinese 得知  I only learned yesterday that he had died.  我昨天刚得知他去世的消息。 learn⇒ vi (acquire knowledge)SCSimplified Chinese 学 xué TCTraditional Chinese 學   SCSimplified Chinese 学习 xué,xué xí TCTraditional Chinese 學習  I don't know how to do it, but I'll learn.  我不知道怎么做,不过我会学。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 learn a thing or two v expr informal (become knowledgeable)SCSimplified Chinese 学到一点 xué dào yì diǎn TCTraditional Chinese 學到一點  Stick around and watch; you may learn a thing or two. learn about [sth] vi + prep (become informed about)SCSimplified Chinese 获悉,知道 huò xī,zhī dào TCTraditional Chinese 知道   SCSimplified Chinese 学习 xué xí TCTraditional Chinese 學習  How did you learn about our company? The kids have been learning about the Middle Ages in their history class.  你是怎么知道我们公司的?  历史课上,孩子们一直在学习关于中世纪的知识。 learn all about [sth] v expr (become fully informed)SCSimplified Chinese 充分获悉   SCSimplified Chinese 充分了解  Before I invest in a company, I am always sure to learn all about their history and business practices. learn by doing v expr (train while working)SCSimplified Chinese 从实践中学习 cóng shí jiàn zhōng xué xí  Employees learn by doing to prepare them for possible situations at work. learn by experience v expr (gain practical understanding)SCSimplified Chinese 从实践中学到 cóng shí jiàn zhōng xué dào  No matter how many education classes you take, as a teacher you will primarily learn by experience in the classroom. learn by experience v expr (discover at first hand)SCSimplified Chinese 让现实教育某人  If you won't listen to me, I guess you'll just have to learn by experience. learn [sth] by heart v expr (memorize)SCSimplified Chinese 记住 jì zhù TCTraditional Chinese 記住   SCSimplified Chinese 默记 jì zhù,mò jì  When I was a child I learned my times-tables by heart. learn from [sb/sth] vi + prep (gain lessons from [sb/sth])SCSimplified Chinese 从...中学习   SCSimplified Chinese 从...身上学习 learn from [sb] vi + prep (get news, info, etc. from [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 从...处了解   SCSimplified Chinese 从...听闻 learn from your mistakes v expr (not repeat errors)SCSimplified Chinese 汲取教训  In time you will learn from your mistakes and hopefully become a better person. learn your lines v expr (memorize an acting role)SCSimplified Chinese 背台词  I need to learn my lines before rehearsal tonight. learn of [sth] vi + prep (hear about)SCSimplified Chinese 得知 dé zhī TCTraditional Chinese 得知   SCSimplified Chinese 听说 dé zhī ,tīng shuō TCTraditional Chinese 聽說  When did you first learn of her death? learn [sth] the hard way, find [sth] out the hard way, find out [sth] the hard way v expr (learn from difficult experiences)SCSimplified Chinese 经历艰难才学会   SCSimplified Chinese 费一番苦功才了解 learn the ropes v expr figurative (become familiar with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 学会怎样做某事 xué huì zěn yàng zuò mǒu shì  When I took over the family business, it took me a while to learn the ropes. live and learn v expr (gain knowledge and experience)SCSimplified Chinese 真是活到老学到老 zhēn shì huó dào lǎo xué dào lǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 真想不到 zhēn shì huó dào lǎo xué dào lǎo,zhēn xiǎng bú dào  Live and learn is my motto; we all learn from our own mistakes. I never knew that was possible. Well, you live and learn.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: learn [ləːn] (pt, pp learned or learnt)I vt 1 (=study) [+ skill] 学(學) xué Children learn foreign languages very easily.孩子学(學)外语(語)非常容易。 Háizi xué wàiyǔ fēicháng róngyì. [+ poem, song] 背 bèi We have to learn the whole poem by heart.我们(們)得把整首诗(詩)背下来(來)。 Wǒmen děi bǎ zhěng shǒu shī bèi xiàlái. 2 (=find out) [+ news, fact] 得知 dézhī I remember when I learned the terrible news.我还(還)记(記)得什么(麼)时(時)候得知这(這)条(條)坏(壞)消息的。 Wǒ hái jìde shénme shíhòu dézhī zhè tiáo huài xiāoxi de. II vi 学(學) xué Experienced teachers help you learn quickly.经(經)验(驗)丰(豐)富的老师(師)帮(幫)你学(學)得快。 Jīngyàn fēngfù de lǎoshī bāng nǐ xué de kuài. to learn about sth (=study) 学(學)到某物 xuédào mǒuwù to learn to do sth/how to do sth (by studying) 学(學)做某事/怎样(樣)做某事 xuézuò mǒushì/zěnyàng zuò mǒushì He is learning to play the piano.他在学(學)弹(彈)钢(鋼)琴。 Tā zài xué tán gāngqín. (through experience) 学(學)做某事/学(學)习(習)如何做某事 xué zuò mǒushì/xuéxí rúhé zuò mǒushì He learned to conceal his views.他学(學)会(會)了隐(隱)瞒(瞞)观(觀)点(點)。 Tā xuéhuìle yǐnmán guāndiǎn. to learn of sth (=find out) 获(獲)悉某事 huòxī mǒushì to learn that… (=find out) 获(獲)悉… huòxī… to learn from one's mistakes从(從)错(錯)误(誤)中吸取教训(訓) cóng cuòwù zhōng xīqǔ jiàoxùn 在这些条目还发现'learn': 在英文解释里: apt - aptitude - backwardness - beginner - bone up - con - cut your teeth - discover - find - find out - gain an understanding of - gain knowledge - get the hang of - hear about - hear from - larn - learn the hard way - memorize - Patience is a virtue. - pick up - read - retrain - roll with the punches - shadow - slow - study - studying - take away - thirst for knowledge - trace the origin of - train 中文: 习 - 体验 - 借鉴 - 好学 - 学 - 学习 - 学会 - 学好 - 得知 - 悉 - 自学 - 获悉 - 默记 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite verbs, Verbs followed by an infinitive, 更多……同义词: take in, pick up, acquire, digest, absorb, 更多……习惯性搭配: learn [math, the alphabet], learn a new [language, way], learning to [swim, read, speak Japanese], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'learn' 的论坛讨论:

Can one learn to pronounce tones by reading about them? Cantonese is harder to learn than Mandarin Cantonese: I want to learn Chinese Do you think French is hard to learn? Does knowledge of ... really help one learn ... faster? get paid to learn How do children learn tones? How do you learn new vocabulary? I like to learn new things every day. I like watching Chinese TV shows to learn Chinese. I study hard but I don't learn much I'd like to learn how to cook more Chinese dishes in the future. I'm trying to learn how to say ... in ... Leanring tips: How to learn new vocabulary? learn from learn the word incorrectly Please review and learn from your mistake Spanish is easy to learn because it's phonetic. try to learn Which Chinese dialect is the most difficult to learn? 'You are young,' he said, 'I will learn more of these matters. ...' - English Only forum (a) college is about learning how to learn - English Only forum (Will) Learn / will be learning - English Only forum [-tion] version of [learn] - English Only forum 1. I want to learn/know ways/a way/ to improve my mood. - English Only forum A book for learning/to learn - English Only forum a bridge so try to learn / a bridge, try to learn - English Only forum a desire to learn something / or a desire to learn - English Only forum a good topic to learn about American culture - English Only forum A language isn't something you learn so much as something you join. - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'learn'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "learn" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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